“…you wouldn’t stay with me if something better comes along…”

Excellent blog, and 100% true. And check out the vicious man-hating comic in the link…if you can stomach it.

80-Proof Oinomancy







In my travels through this digital landscape, I came across the strip linked below:




The strip is fairly standard, but one image struck me as particularly self-indulgent.


Specifically, the one that reads “Sorry my friendship is a crappy consolation prize!”


See, the reason that frame bothers me more than any other is the passive-aggressive arrogance of it.




Putting aside the childishly stated false apology (as irritating as it is), I arrive at this:


It isn’t a “crappy consolation prize”.


It simply isn’t a prize at all.




It’s wheels on a tomato.


It’s a solar powered flashlight.


It’s a bowling ball gifted to a golfer.


It’s an effectively useless offering.




You’ll “be my friend”?


What do we have in common?


What are the…

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Obesity Culture

So very true. Today’s Western women are all now obsessed with men being at least 6’3″ and fit, and if they do not have those very narrow parameters, men are openly humiliated with the most vicious vitriol ever spoken. Yet these very same women who scourge men for being “too short” or “too fat” become enraged if men suggest that they try to take care of their appearance more. The double standards are so glaring.


In the almost 4 years I’ve had The Rational Male up and running I have neither monetized nor commercialized the blog. I began with the explicit intent of making everything I do accessible and in the past year and a half since the first book published I’ve turned down at least seven different (lucrative) requests to put ads or promos on the blog.

I’m happy to say I’ll still never monetize this blog, but if I were to offer ad space my first spot would be reserved for Protein World. I can’t vouch for the quality of their products beyond what I know in general of protein supplements from years of bodybuilding, but that’s not the point. The point is that these guys had the balls not only to stick to their guns, but to double down when social justice warriors and body fat acceptance “activists” took it upon themselves…

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Dancing Monkeys

Dance Monkey

From the Unbearable Triteness of Hating:

16. Dancing Monkey Hate

Hater: Men who run game are just doing the bidding of women. Alphas don’t entertain women.

If you want success with women, you are going to have to entertain them… one way or the other. The same is true of women. Once a woman stops entertaining men with her body, her femininity, and her commitment worthiness by getting fat, old, ugly, bitchy, or single mom-y, she stops having success with men. We are all doing the bidding of our biomechanical overlord, and on our knees to his will we surrender, by force or by choice. You fool yourself if you believe you have some plenary indulgence from this stark reality.

Or: If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.

After this week’s post the expected debate of who are you really being you for came up. In managing your expectations in accord…

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Obama’s And The Left’s “New Morality” Which Is A Lack Of Traditional Values

I would have to agree with most of this.

Right Punditry

franklin-graham2-351President Barack Obama and his outgoing attorney general, Eric Holder, are, along with “progressives” in government, forcing “a new morality” on the American people, a “morality that does not include God” and which is “an Anti-Christ movement,” said Reverend Franklin Graham.

“There is an anti-Christian bias that is now in our government, has permeated our government, that’s also permeated Washington but [also] at the state and local level,” said Rev. Graham during a Mar. 11 interview on Washington Watch With Tony Perkins.

“It’s the progressives, whatever you want to call them, that are trying — and the president is into this and the attorney general is into this 100% — and that is, forcing on the American people a new morality,” said Rev. Graham. “And it’s a morality that does not include God or His standards. That’s what we’re facing today. It is an Anti-Christ movement that we’re seeing taking…

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Sen. Ted Cruz Demands Voters Do The Job The “News Readers” And Liberals Refuse To Do

Right Punditry

ted_cruz_cpacCruz points out that every single potential candidate will claim to be conservative at CPAC and on the campaign trail in 2016, but voters need to demand proof from the candidates that they’ll actually deliver.

“How do we as conservatives distinguish when we’ve got a whole bunch of candidates sounding good and saying good things?” Cruz said. “We both know a whole lot of politicians have demonstrated they’ll say one thing and do another. The answer is I believe we as Republican primary voters need to ask every candidate who shows up in front of us that you say you believe in these principles, but show me.” . . . .  What have you accomplished? As Scripture says, you shall know them by their fruits. So if a candidate says they oppose Obamacare, we should ask show me where you stood up and fought against it.

If a candidate says…

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